Life After Love

Jordon, the love of my life, died tragically January 23, 2005. This is my space to remember him and to keep track of my life as I learn to move forward without him.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

March 16, 2005

Why does each week have to be so crazy these days? I almost feel like I haven't had a chance to think at all. I can only hope that things begin to make some sense pretty soon.

Wednesday, I went to Steve's movie party. I got to his condo first and he gave me a little tour of the place. It was really cute and well decorated. Joseph (previously referred to as Joe) showed up a couple minutes later and then Anthony after that. We sat and talked over drinks and appetizers. It was nice to have a social situation not at a bar. Once we were ready to start the movie (Girls Will Be Girls), Steve put in a couple pizzas. They were a little overdone, but at least not burnt. The movie was hilarious, and it was fun seeing Joseph's and Anthony's reactions as they hadn't seen it before. Before the movie ended, Mike showed up. We stayed there talking some more after the movie. Steve tried to get more physical with me, but I quickly put him in his place. He's a nice guy, but I have no interest in dating or having sex with him. We ended up talking about showtunes and finally put in Chicago on DVD. When that movie ended, I called it a night, as it was already after 2 am.

Thursday, I went out to karaoke night with Brad. He's been interested in the bartender there at Switch. Things didn't go that great as far as he was concerned, but we ran into a fun guy named Randy who was up from Racine. We sat at the bar singing along with all the tunes and just had a fun night. Brad got a little drunk at Switch, so we went to Triangle for a little bit for him to sober up and for me to say hi to Glen.

Friday, I went with Steve and Anthony to a cabaret show called Lana Mae's Honky-Tonk Laundromat. It was a really funny show based on 2 ladies who've been done wrong by their men and they hold a show at the laundromat to get their revenge. It had a bunch of country songs in it and both of the ladies sang incredibly well. One had even been in several big shows on Broadway. I got to meet them after the show too. Once that was done, Anthony went with his friends to At Random for ice cream drinks and Steve and I went to The Room. I sat and sipped on some wine while we talked. Brad and Randy both happened to show up later at different points to join me. I talked to Randy a little about Jordon, and when I mentioned that he died from getting hit by a semi, he started crying. He told me his mother died from a semi accident. We both decided to move the conversation elsewhere for a while to keep our composure. Before the night ended, we headed over to Cage and got in a little dancing. We were all hungry by bar time, so we went to George Webb's for some food. While we were there, I found out Randy was 3 months older than me. That was a bit surprising, but he had a hat on and didn't look that old at all unless he took it off. We all swapped numbers before we went our separate ways. Brad came over to my house to crash the night as his mom kinda heard him getting some action with a boy earlier that night and he didn't want to deal with that drama.

Saturday, I went to Jason's in the afternoon to catch the last 3 episodes of QAF season 1. After watching those, we grabbed a quick bite and headed downtown to the symphony to see Bugs Bunny On Broadway. It was so fun, watching great cartoons and getting a live soundtrack played along with it. After the show, Jason and I went to ETC to wait for Matt to show up. Once he arrived, we all went upstairs to Cage to dance the night away. Jason and Matt did their own thing while I kinda noticed a really cute guy who danced really well. We ended up dancing for about 2 hours without saying a word to each other. He was a really great dancer and I was able to match up well with him. We ended up doing some dirty dancing and there were many eyes watching us. One cute blond guy came up and said it was really hot and he thought I'd be going home with the other dancer. I told him I wouldn't be because I'm not that type of guy. When the lights finally came up at the end of the night, we finally introduced ourselves. Corey (sp?) was the other dancer and he lives only a couple miles south of me. He works at a Starbucks, but I'm not sure which one. I was kinda dumb though, and didn't exchange phone numbers. He said he doesn't go out to bars much so I'm not sure if/when I'll see him again. Oh well. As I told the blond guy, I went home alone.

Sunday, I went out with some straight friends for lunch and to see the movie Robots. We all like computer animation a lot, so we all were looking forward to it. It was a fun time. I love hanging out with Geoff and Rachel. We get along so well. Brad came over to my house for dinner and after a quick stop at his place, we headed down to Three for our new Sunday night hangout. They had a guest DJ in for the night and while everyone got charged cover, the door guy let us in free. It was another great Sunday, full of conversation and meeting people. Brad found thes 4 straight people that happened to come in and started talking with them. One of the girls was so fascinated to be in a gay bar. Unfortunately the guy she came with, while very cute, was visibly uncomfortable being there. I got to talk with John, the host on Sunday nights, and we hit it off pretty well. I made it aware that I knew he had a bf and was only interested in friendship. I think that helped things out there. All in all, another successful Sunday at Three.

Monday, I had a phone interview with Wells Fargo Mortgage in Minneapolis. It seemed to go well and they will be forwarding my resume to the hiring managers now. Hopefully I will hear back from them soon for a face-to-face interview. I spent the rest of the day with Brad. We ended up having dinner downtown at a place called Sauce that neither of us had tried before. It was some of the most incredible food I've had in my life. There was so much flavor in those dishes. And because we had a little bit of a wait for our entrees (due to a large party already there), we got a free appetizer, which was normally 11 bucks! The restaurant's atmosphere was very chic yet laid back. It was a great dinner. We went out to a new coffee place downtown called Mocha to chat some more. After spending some time there, we rented a couple movies and went to my place to watch them. We got through A Touch Of Pink, an interesting movie about coming out in a traditional Middle Eastern family, where the main character talks with the spirit of Cary Grant. I have no clue where people come up with movie ideas like this. We didn't watch the other movie as we were too tired and Brad spent another night at my place.

Tuesday, we went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory because John (the host from Three) started working there as a server. We got seated in his section and ordered a nice lunch. We got to talk with him a few times during the meal which was really nice. Unfortunately, I had a reaction to something in my smoothie (mango, perhaps) and my skin got all red and itchy for about an hour. Luckily I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything. John ended up giving me his phone and email before we left, so hopefully I can get a chance to hang out with him outside of places he works. After lunch, Brad and I went looking at some computers to price out laptops. I hope to have one very soon. I think Brad is surprised I have the money for one. He has no idea I have a couple grand in the bank now. I bought the Incredibles DVD and the Troy soundtrack (which has the song Remember Me by Josh Groban... The lyrics sound like words directly from Jordon's mouth and I cry whenever I hear it). We ended up having dinner at his place and watching Fiddler On The Roof on TCM. He was online chatting through most of it and ended up talking with some guy from Delavan. I came home and chatted a bit myself, mostly because the guys I normally chat with at nights haven't seen me online in about 2 weeks. It was good to talk with them again. I talked some more with Bill, a guy in Chicago who used to live in Milwaukee and is a certified trainer/nutrionist. He's gonna help me figure out a workout plan for me. He's also coming up Milwaukee on Saturday and wants to hang out, so we swapped cell numbers. He seems like a cool guy, so we'll see how it ends up.

Today, I slept in quite late, getting out of bed after 11. I went to Target with mom and then ended up at Olive Garden with her and Brad for lunch. After a quick stop for a car wash and some groceries, I'm back home typing my life story here. I wonder how much this is actually helping me, but it's good to have a bit of history I can look back on. Some days I can't remember what I did the day before. Other days, I could care less. I know next week would have been Jordon's 24th birthday and the 2 month anniversary of his death. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. Only time will tell.

Bye for now!


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