Life After Love

Jordon, the love of my life, died tragically January 23, 2005. This is my space to remember him and to keep track of my life as I learn to move forward without him.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Two months ago...

Today is not a day I've been looking forward to. It's two months since he died and also the 24th birthday he never made it to. I watched the Josh Groban concert DVD before going to bed and ended up sobbing again. I haven't cried like that since I watched Latter Days the first time. I held Cody tighter than normal, wishing beyond anything that it could have been Jordon in my arms. I still miss him incredibly!

The last week isn't all that much to write about. Last Wednesday and Thursday nights for karaoke sucked. I shouldn't have even gone out for those. Saturday was better. I met Bill from Chicago for coffee before going out. He's a really nice guy and I'm glad we met. I then met up with Brad and Jason at The Room. We then went to Woody's to see Bill bartending. I got my drinks free (woohoo). Then we ended up at Cage dancing the rest of the night away. Sunday's regular trip to Three was great as always. I talked to John a lot and can definitely see a good friendship forming. He's a great guy! Monday was a shopping day with Brad. Yesterday i spent job hunting and actually got a call back from a company here for a job as relocation specialist. I think at this point any job that pays enough I need to accept, whether here or in the Twin Cities.

Which now brings me to today. I think I'm going to go buy a new laptop today. I found a Toshiba for a great price. I'll probably try to have lunch with Brad, and then I'll be having dinner with Jason while we watch the start of QAF season 2. I guess I'm still trying to keep myself busy to avoid wallowing in the misery of Jordon's death. I still have a lot of things that remind me of him that I deal with all the time. I know I have to work through it all, but I also don't want to forget him and the great times we had with each other. He still has my heart and will always have a part of it.

I love you Jordon and Happy Birthday!!


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