Life After Love

Jordon, the love of my life, died tragically January 23, 2005. This is my space to remember him and to keep track of my life as I learn to move forward without him.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 18, 2005

I know it's been about a month since my last post. I've thought about writing, as there has been some interesting stuff happening lately, but Wednesdays have become a day with very little time to spend online. This will just be a brief overview of the past four weeks.

The first Tuesday in May I had to deal with another funeral. The sister of a friend of my family died a few days before and had been cremated. I barely knew the lady, having only met her once many years ago when she was at our house for Christmas. But being at the "visitation" brought up many memories of Jordon. Seeing the picture boards, thinking of how Jordon's best friend Lance told me my pictures were on Jordon's board at his ceremony. I cried several times while I was there, but not a tear was shed for her. It was all because of my memories of Jordon and how I had not been able to attend his visitation. I miss him, but slowly have been able to close more chapters in that story. I may not have been able to attend his funeral, but I've now been able to say goodbye to him.

Lately, I've had to focus more on finding a new job. I accepted a part time position as doorman at Three. I'm there every Sunday as it is, so I might as well make some money and get free drinks. The rest of the staff is excited to have me there. Now to just find a full time job. I've been applying all over the place and hope to have some interviews set up shortly.

This last Monday, I finally caught Matt (from Sydney, Australia) online again. He's adorable and a total sweetheart. I love talking with him and know we are creating a very good online friendship. I hope when I finally get to visit Australia that I will be able to meet him, but that big of a vacation is still a ways off. I also met another cool guy named Eric (from Cinci, OH). He visits relatives here in Wisconsin, so there is a good chance I'll meet him in person. He works as a paramedic and massage therapist. Unfortunately, he was in a recent accident where some 17 year old rear-ended him at a stop light doing 50 mph. Eric is now laid up with a broken arm and leg for the next 15 weeks. Hopefully this will give us some time online to really get to know each other.

As for guys here in town, I went out drinking on Cinco de Mayo with a cute guy I met the previous weekend. That night ended horribly as he used a twenty dollar bill of mine to buy a bag of coke. I was so pissed off. I demanded my money back, but he had no cash on him. The two girls we were out with ended up giving me the 11 bucks they had left and I walked out. I don't care what involvement a guy has with drugs, but any involvement is too much. I will not tolerate it.

I haven't hung out with anyone else new, but did talk to a guy named Luke out at Three this past Sunday. He's also recently out of a 5 year relationship. He's pretty cute and fun to talk with. I hope to see him out again. And speaking of Three this past Sunday, one of my ex's was there, Kevin from the UW marching band. He has only gotten cuter since he graduated. Apparently he's now a professional dancer for a company in Chicago. We still get along very well, but know nothing more physical will happen between us. I was really glad to see him and left him my contact info to have and share with another friend, Sarah. I haven't talked to her in a while, but hope to hear from both of them soon.

The weekend ahead is mostly going to be Star Wars Episode III. I don't think I'll be going out until Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back into writing on a weekly basis. Trying to catch up from a month away is kinda difficult. haha


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